Beauty Model

Brilliant Distinctions®


Enjoy exclusive on select Allergan treatments and products, and get personalized content designed to help you LIVE BRILLIANTLY!


It really is that easy, because there are several ways to earn points.
VISIT a participating physician or provider and purchase a select Allergan treatment or product. The points you earn that day can be redeemed for savings on future visits.

SHOP at the Brilliant Distinctions Mall. You'll earn points on every transaction! From apparel to electronics to home décor, you'll find it all at this collection of popular online retailers.

SIGN UP for email communications. You'll be the first to know about double points offers and other special promotions to help you earn and save.

SAVE by turning your points into savings for treatment or products. Once you're a member, simply log in to your BD account, click Redeem Points and follow the instructions from there. Piece of cake!

Points earned vary by retailers.

Ready to get started? Registering is easy!

1. Click the "Register Me" button to begin the process at

2. The email address you provide on the form will be your username for logging in to the site.

3. From the Brilliant Distinctions Program home page, you can locate and select your preferred provider.

Note: Add to your favorites so you can check your points balance or view your activity anytime.

Register Me

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