TDC Health News

In the fall of 2015, many Oklahomans had no idea what was biting them. We were experiencing the first large scale outbreak of Oak Leaf Mite Bites. This year the outbreak is not as severe. The bites are a lot like chigger bites and appear within 12 hours of the bite. They are red with a central whitehead or pustule and are 1-2 mm in size. The bites are generally located on the head, neck, shoulders and arms.
These mites fall from oak trees once their food source is gone and bite humans by mistake causing an itchy, red bump. The bites can be avoided by wearing insect repellent and showering immediately if one has been outdoors for any length of time. Use any over the counter anti itch lotion for any bites that occur.
-Donald R. Seidel, M.D.